08.–10.02.2025 #spogahorse

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Keine Schulpferde, kein Markt, kein Umsatz | Event on the spoga horse 2024

No school horses, no market, no profit

from spoga horse Event Team
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German with simultaneous translator
spoga horse Event Team
Messeplatz 1
50679 Köln
THE STAGE - Hall 7

The event

Equestrian Sport in danger? Demand for riding lessons exceeds supply due to a shortage of school horses in Germany. This impacts the future of horse sports and related industries. FN outlines strategies to strengthen and expand riding school infrastructure in this presentation, followed by a panel discussion.



Deutsche Reiterliche Vereinigung (FN)

Owner of of the family riding school, Trainer C/B

Family-Riding School Berse

Owner of the riding school Evelyn Biesenbach, Trainer C

Reitschule Evelyn Biesenbach

Head of Equestrian Sports Development Department

Deutsche Reiterliche Vereinigung (FN)